Find a Family in the Faith As You Serve in These Church Ministries
Nazareth Community Church offer a place where Christians of all ages can gather to be of service to the Lord. You can join any of the following ministries and belong in one big family of like-minded believers.

Youth Ministry
The youth at our church is a vibrant group of students that are actively involved in serving Christ. In this ministry, we do regular Bible study, small groups, fellowships, or gatherings every Wednesday, 6:30 PM. Some of our activities include participating in Saturday Serve and Sunday Night Funday, which take place monthly throughout the year. We also have rafting, sports outings, retreats, and other various activities for the youth.
Our fellowship and gatherings are not just to have fun and make great memories. Our true reason is to bring glory and praise the One who makes all this possible. We operate with the mindset of I Corinthians 10:31, which states “Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Evening 5:00-6:00pm
Wednesday Night 6:00pm Music Practice and 6:30pm Youth Meeting
Summer Chill Sunday Evenings June-August
2024 Youth South Mountain Baptist Camp July 7th-12th

Men’s Ministry
This ministry is composed of faithful and seasoned men who have dedicated their hearts and lives to the Lord. We will meet every Saturday, 7:00 AM, to join together in prayer and praises as we also share prayer requests. If there are projects in the church and community, our men will also come together to accomplish these tasks.

Sunday School
Our mission at Nazareth Community Church is simple: “To glorify God and grow in the Lord.” So for our Sunday school hour, we emphasize our growth in God.
For our Sunday school, we offer three adult classes, five children and youth classes, and a nursery. Included in these are our newly added College and Career class and three to five-year-old class. The Sunday school takes place from 9:30 to 10:15 AM, which falls between our two morning worship services.
We believe that receiving, meditating, and discussing the Word of God is priceless. That is why all of our curriculums are approved KJV Sunday School material and based on the Word of God. We use a variety of curriculums to study Bible stories and make them relatable to the current lives of youth today. We also offer time for both accountability and fellowship among other believers as well as weekly lesson materials.

Music Ministry
We aim to lead the church through music and provide the congregation with meaningful worship and musical experience. It is our goal to:
We invite you to join us on a journey of faith, worship, and praise. Together, we can experience comfort and encouragement, and communicate the eternal truth of God's Word as we glorify our Lord through music.