Our church is a congregation of believers committed to sharing the Word of God and leading others towards the Lord’s perfect will. We are located in Rockwell, North Carolina where we are a vital part of the community. It has always been our goal to bring glory to God since the church was established. We ensure that members, regardless of their age or walk of life, learn the importance of serving the Lord Jesus Christ. From our Children's Ministry all the way through our Seasoned Adult Ministry, the purpose and goal behind all that happens is that Christ might be presented and glorified. So whether you are in a position where you are questioning Christianity or whether you are seeking a place to take roots with your family, we hope that you enjoy Nazareth Community Church.

Visiting NCC
We are thrilled to have you worship with us. Here are some things you need to know before your visit:
Our Location
You can find us beside the Saleeby-Fisher YMCA of East Rowan and directly across from the Nazareth Children's Home in Rockwell, North Carolina. Our church address is 856 Crescent Road, Rockwell, NC 28138.
Parking and Directions
As you arrive on campus, you will have the option of parking in either a paved or gravel lot. As you walk into the front doors of the church, you will enter our Welcome Lobby, where you will be welcomed by our regular greeters. They will provide you with a Visitor's Packet as well as a bulletin for the service. These greeters are also prepared to point you in the right direction, whether it be towards the sanctuary, nursery, or a Sunday School class.
Sunday School
Our Sunday school teaches the Word of God to students from newborn to senior adults. It also encourages faith through the fellowship of believers.
Classes begin at 9:30 AM and are scattered throughout our campus.
Sunday Morning Worship
Our greatest purpose individually and corporately is to glorify God and to make much of Him. That is why at our worship services, you will hear songs that are focused on God and His truth.
We will listen to our pastor preach the Word of God and feel empowered through our fellowship as believers. Worship services begin at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM respectively.
Our Core Beliefs
There is one true and living God who is the Creator of all things. God is holy and perfectly righteous and can have no fellowship with sin; He is the standard for right and wrong. And because God is holy and perfectly righteous, He desires to be worshipped.
But God is also love. Because God is love, He has created man to have a personal relationship with Himself.
God has also revealed Himself through His Spirit, His Word, and His Son, Jesus Christ. (Acts 17:24-31)
Man was created by God. Man consciously made the choice for sin; because of that, sin spread to all men, and then die because of sin. Because of the sinful nature that man has, he has no ability to do good; he is powerless and unable to save himself from this condition. (Romans 3:10-12)
The most wonderful news that could ever be presented is that man can have hope in this life. This hope is not based on something that man has the ability to do or earn, but only on what God has done.
Because of sin, man is spiritually dead and has no ability to fellowship with God; but the Gospel teaches that God provided a way of life, restoration, reconciliation, forgiveness, and fellowship with God. This has been made available through the life, sacrificial death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel teaches through faith in the finished work of Christ that man can be saved. (I Corinthians 15:3-5; II Corinthians 5:21; Romans 10:13)
We believe that the church is the way that God grows and conforms His people into His image. We also believe that the church is the way that God reaches others with the good news of the Gospel. Because of these things, it is imperative for a Christian to be committed to a local assembly of believers. (Ephesians 4:16; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 10:25)
Meet Our Pastors and Staff

Pastor Mike Shoaf
Senior Pastor

Angie Shoaf
Children's Director

Sabrina Basinger
Church Administrator

Pastor Jason Fink
Youth Pastor

Whitney Payne
Music Ministry’s Director

Dale Adams
Sound & Media Tech

Gary Webb